In a fit of misguided enthusiasm I decided to try P3D v6. It installed OK and interfaces with FMGS.
Some issues though.
Sounds are not working properly, I put the sound pack I have been using for some time in earlier versions. I copied the sound folder into the JH aircraft folder in the usual way. If I double click on a sound file it plays through the speakers but when I fly all I can get is a loud rushing sound. The sound.cfg file is in place.
Sceneries are better in some ways than previous versions and large anirports are not bad but not a patch on the add-ones that I used in v5. I have a large library of Orbx sceneries which are not yet compatible with v6 although some users report workarounds. With the default airports I have buildings hovering in the sky in some airports,
Unless I can get some resolution to these issues I mat revert to V5 until things mature.
I do not see much in thus forum about V6, is thus because nobody has any issues or that hardly anyone is giving it a try?