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Change Tables Failed error:4

Posted: Wed Sep 18, 2024 6:47 pm
by gillesaqsim
good evening Jean-Luc,
I would like to know if there is a way to correct the following message: "change Tables Failed error: 4", without having to restart everything.
indeed while I am in "raw data" piloting without FD or A/THR I often make approaches that I interrupt once above the runway, I do a 'go around'. then I reload my P3D flight saved to find myself at the start of the runway ready for takeoff.
I noticed that the Go Around did not reactivate the FD, in principle it should, right?
also when I decide to land my plane after several laps, the switch to full flaps on final 'sows chaos' at the level of the red speedset flags generally. red from 0 to 150 knots.
I am well aware that reloading my flight while the plane is in the air does not help!! that's where I noticed the message in red on a green background in p3d instead of 'Table Found'
it's to save time...
if you have a method... thanks in advance.

Re: Change Tables Failed error:4

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 2:20 pm
by jeehell

No currently this is a hard limitation on the aerodynamics enhancement brought by the simpatcher module.
Loading saved scenarios in P3D result in this problem.
As for the FD ON after go around ,there could be some reasons such as flight phase not correct at the moment of the go around so it's hard to tell if it's a bug or not.

Re: Change Tables Failed error:4

Posted: Thu Sep 19, 2024 3:16 pm
by gillesaqsim
thank's JL for this return

best regard