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Human-readable MCDU config file

Posted: Wed May 22, 2024 4:41 pm
by thierryd
Version B61.3.7 introduced a nice little change:
-MCDU GUI: config now with a readable config file, may need to reconfigure it at first run. Fixed potential openGL issue with it.

I finally had a chance to test it today as I always had a very hard time precisely positioning the MCDU window on the captain side (and had a little white line at the very bottom of the screen for some reasons). If you had a previous version installed you will have to delete the configMCDU.cfg file first before launching the MCDU.exe. It will then cerate a new configMCDUs.ini file which is human-readable. So you can use your mouse to roughly position the MCDU window and then make finer adjustment by editing the values in the ini file. It is particularly useful as I like to hide the window border but that slightly changes the size of the window while preventing further size adjustments.

Thanks Jean-Luc for adding this nice "quality of life" improvement.