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Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Sat Jan 25, 2025 9:12 pm
by jeehell
make sure you get enough FPS in P3D (ideally over 30fps).

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Mon Jan 27, 2025 9:03 am
by Seppl1209
Hey JL,
thanks for the tip.
Your comment reminded me that I had changed the graphics settings. I didn't undo these later on.
Yesterday at least it worked on a round trip over Cologne, no wobbling, no crashing.
Thank you.

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 3:16 pm
by flambinet
Dear Sebastian,
could you please explain what you changed back and forth related to the graphics.
I have a similar problem sometimes somewhere enroute where the plane gets out of
control. Sometimes it crashes, sometimes, I can recover by manual flight.
FPS are always above 30.
Thanks for sending your ideas.
Best Regards

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 4:43 pm
by balu69
Hello Fritz
This happens to me from time to time too - unfortunately. I also have stable over 30fps.
I'm not sure if it's because of FSHud. Do you use it?
What strangely helps me is if I immediately activate the pause, wait a moment and deactivate the pause again. Then I can catch the plane and continue flying.

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Tue Jan 28, 2025 5:32 pm
by flambinet
Thnks Stephn for your quick reply. I do not use FSHud.
I will try your trick next time it hppens again.
Thanks, Fritz

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:08 am
by stefangr

I am also having the problem that sometimes the plane is getting out of control: suddenly extreme banking while A/P had control, sometimes on CRZ LVL, sometimes on approach or even on ILS.

I have tried so many things now, starting with changing setup and even deacitivating Active Sky, up to replacing hardware joysticks. Last thing I have done is deactivating the hardware rudder in JL calibration (currently the Z axis of joystick is taking over role of rudder). Not made enough flights since then to check if that helped.

But as I am not alone obviously, it seems that there is a different reason. I am not using FSHud, and I don't think it has to do with fps. I will check the trick with the pause. Stephan, for how long do you remain in pause mode?

Having P3D with JL B61.10.1 and Skalarki hardware.

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Wed Jan 29, 2025 10:32 am
by balu69
Hi stefangr
Yes, this was the case for me too. The problem is that it is not reproducible. It always appears at a different time and in a different place.
The pause helped me the last two times. I had it active for about 20 seconds each time.
It feels like something isn't working (like with YouTube and a bad internet connection) - but it's just a feeling...

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2025 6:45 am
by stefangr
Thanks, Stephan. Do you also have this message when it happens? F/CTL DIRECT LAW (PROT LOST) - MAN PITCH TRIM

Afterwards the plane is always difficult to handle.


Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Thu Jan 30, 2025 11:58 am
by balu69
It has also happened to me that he switched to "Direct Law". The plane is very difficult to control then.
Most of the time, I don't know if it has anything to do with how quickly I press the pause button, he continued to fly in Normal Law

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2025 6:53 am
by stefangr
Do we have any idea where this is coming from? More P3D software or JeeHell software or anything else?

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:01 pm
by flambinet
Dear all,
the number of this event has increased in the recent past.
I did 3 flights from EDSB to EDDN with VOXATC initiated and one flight from EDSB to EDDN
and back from EDDN to EDSB both without VOXATC initited
What I observed was that in the first three casess, after finish of descent to EDDN (FL70), the
engine sound started oscillating and soon after that the wobbling started. In one case the plane crashed and
in the other two cases, I was able to recover through manual flight.
I tried the trick and paused the simultor as soon as the instability started, but saw bank and pitch moving on the PFD
after the simulator was paused.
The two flights with VOXTC initiated, showed some slight engine sound oscillation, but no further instability.
I guess it is to early for conclusions, but the banking and pitching while the simulator was paused was strange, I thought.
Anybody with further observations or ideas?
Best Regards

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Fri Feb 07, 2025 4:07 pm
by jeehell
it seems either P3D is "stalling" (P3D, not the aircraft), and has issues sending data to the network, or even has too low FPS.

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Mon Feb 10, 2025 8:05 am
by Seppl1209
Hey, you addressed me personally on the subject of graphics. Sorry for the late reply.
I have reset everything to default in the NVIDIA settings.

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2025 12:10 pm
by balu69
Hello everyone
I think I found a flight where I can reproduce this situation and I think it has something to do with the FPS, as JeanLuc writes.

Here are my requirements:
- SimBrief Flightplan: LSZH/28 N0326F140 VEBI1X VEBIT T50 ROTOS Z669 ULMES ULME2R LSGG/22
- ActiveSky Weather from 25.02.2025 19:45UTC
- ActiveSky Settings: Maximum Cloud Layers: 10
- SIM-Time: Real Date and 07:10local time
- FS-Hud: AI-Traffic (AIG) on and 20/10Traffic
- Aerosoft Geneva Professional and Mega Airport Zuerich V4

When I fly away from Zurich, I get about 35 - 38fps with my settings. The weather is cloudy there too. In the Swiss midlands the weather gets better and the closer I get to LSGG the worse the weather gets. When I enter the clouds my fps drops to 20 - 25 and I had the problem with the plane staggering during two flights. The problem did not always occur in exactly the same place, but always in or below the clouds

On a third flight I reduced the cloud layer settings to 3, reduced the cloud display to 60 miles and turned off the AI ​​traffic and no longer had the strange behavior and was able to land without any problems

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2025 8:13 am
by dkreiskott
Hi all,

maybe I can help a little here. I've struggled with similar problems over the last year. To find a solution, I must have done the same flight about 50 times. Always with different settings. I started with the basic settings of Prepar3d.

What can I say, JL is right when he assumes that the frames are the problem, that's what happened to me in the end.

I used a tool to evaluate the frames in Excel, because I didn't want to monitor every flight live and automatically put P3D into pause mode when the problem occurred. The article about this can be found here: ... nd-loggen/

The tool can also be downloaded.

However, the settings were ones where I wouldn't have suspected the problem. I had the problem you described, especially on longer flights. To make a long story short, for me it was the settings for the terrain. I have the following settings (in P3d v5) with which the problem no longer occurs:

Level of detail: Ultra
Tesselation factor: low
Mesh: 19m
Texture resolution: 1m

Since I reduced the settings here, the problem has completely disappeared. And since I'm mostly flying at FL300 and higher, it doesn't bother me. You can give it a try.

Re: Calibration of instruments with config file does not work

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2025 3:32 pm
by balu69
Hello Dieter
Thank you for your advice. Do you have limited or unlimited FPS?
I had the same problem again yesterday (ActiveSky Weather 10.03.2025 19:35Z) on my flight from LSZH to LSGG (VEBIT1T VEBIT T50 ROTOS Z669 ULMES ULMES2R) shortly after takeoff and before BREGO and I wasn't in the clouds and I'm sure I had enough FPS.
What I noticed was that my Elgato StreamDeck was briefly without a display and then, I was able to "save" the flight, FSUIPC no longer recognized my Thrustmaster TCA stick and the Leo Bodnar board. However, they were still there via joy.cpl and the buttons worked.