Ground Speed to fast

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Ground Speed to fast

Post by littlerocky »

In english and german. Translated with Sorry ;-)


I have a question for all pilots ;-)
After all preparations for the flight are completed, the engines are running and I release the parking brake, the A320 taxis off at a relatively high speed despite idling.
I try not to get faster than 25 knots and have to brake constantly. Surely that can't be right? As I said, the throttle is at idle. There is then approx. 20-21% N1 on the ground.

Today I had a short trip to the FS2020 and the Fenix A320. The pushes forward slower and I came in idle nowhere near as fast to the speed. It actually seemed more realistic.

I didn't change anything on Jeehell's plane, the settings of the plane or in the files. I use for the planning of fuel etc.. TOPCAT.

Is this a known FSX/P3D "problem"? Or is it due to some setting after all?

In general, the A320 Jeehell sometimes flies like an F16 in its maneuverability. Also the joystick responds extremely fast and curve friendly. The Fenix A320 is more ponderous and "sluggish".

Can I somehow influence the response of the joystick via curve or something? I use the "Thrustmaster Hotas Magnetic Base" with a Sidestick replica.

German (original):

Ich habe eine Frage an alle Piloten ;-)
Nachdem alle Vorbereitungen für den Flug abgeschlossen sind, die Triebwerke laufen und ich die Parkbremse löse, rollt der A320 trotz Leerlauf in einem relativ hohen Tempo los.
Ich versuche nicht schneller als 25 Knoten zu werden und muss ständig bremsen. Das kann doch nicht richtig sein? Wie gesagt, der Throttle ist auf Idle. Es liegen dann am Boden ca. 20-21% N1 an.

Heute hatte ich mal einen kurzen Ausflug zum FS2020 und dem Fenix A320. Der schiebt langsamer nach vorne und ich kam im Idle längst nicht so schnell auf die Geschwindigkeit. Es wirkte tatsächlich realistischer.

Am Flieger von Jeehell, den Einstellungen der Maschine oder in den Dateien habe ich nichts verändert. Ich nutze zur Planung von Sprit etc. TOPCAT.

Ist das ein bekanntes FSX/P3D "Problem"? Oder liegt es doch an irgendeiner Einstellung?

Allgemein fliegt sich der A320 Jeehell in seiner Manövrierbarkeit manchmal wie eine F16. Auch der Joystick spricht extrem schnell und kurvenfreundlich an. Der Fenix A320 ist behäbiger und "träger".

Kann ich das Ansprechen des Joysticks via Kurve oder so irgendwie beeinflussen? Ich nutze die "Thrustmaster Hotas Magnetic Base" mit einem Sidestick Replik.

Danke/ Thanks
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Re: Ground Speed to fast

Post by bbruechmann »

littlerocky wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:34 pm I try not to get faster than 25 knots and have to brake constantly. Surely that can't be right?
It is indeed right. At idle Speed the real plane accelerate very fast too and and you have to constantly use the brakes not to exceed the maximum taxi speed of 30 knots.
Practice in realife is to let the ac accelerate up to 25-28 kn and then push the brakes down to 15 kn. And so on. It´s not meant to "ride" the brakes to keep a specific speed.
littlerocky wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:34 pm Today I had a short trip to the FS2020 and the Fenix A320. The pushes forward slower and I came in idle nowhere near as fast to the speed. It actually seemed more realistic.
well, seems like realistic, but it´s not!
littlerocky wrote: Sun Jan 29, 2023 8:34 pm ...the A320 Jeehell sometimes flies like an F16 in its maneuverability...
And you can say that, because you have already flown a real F16?!? ;) Just for laughs, think about the fact, that the A320 has two powerfull engines where only one of them at a time could accelerate the whole aircraft at climb speed. An F16 has only one. If the limitations where not the physical stress to the large Wings of the Airbus, which are designed to give stability to the ac, you would be surprised what acrobatics you could perform with it. 8-)

Yes, you can setup the response curve of a Joystick if it´s provide this capability on the Stick driver. It´s allways best to setup the joystick correctly first in Windows and then set it up in JL FMGS. You can also tune the stick responsiveness within Jeehell in the FBW app. there you will find two sliders for ailerons and elevators. I have a Joystick with a software response curve too and it works quite well.

But bear in mind, in general the real aircraft responds very direct and precise on flight control inputs. Not sluggish.

P3D 6, I9-9900K overcl+ RTX3090 24GB, Skalarki Homecockpit + JH FMGS on a dedicated Server, AS/ASCA, EnVShade +Tex, PF3 + MCE, CorteManager + ExtPWR from CaptPERO, AIGAIM and many of add-on sceneries
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Re: Ground Speed to fast

Post by littlerocky »

Wow, thanks for the detailed answer. Then I am reassured and diligently fly my hours. I love my little cockpit and have struggled with the Fenix. Using panels again with the mouse was and is very unfamiliar. Thank you!

Wow, danke für die detaillierte Antwort. Dann bin ich beruhigt und fliege fleißig meine Stunden. Ich liebe mein kleines Cockpit und habe mich schwer getan mit dem Fenix. Mit der Maus wieder Panels zu nutzen war und ist sehr ungewohnt. Danke!
My texts are usually translated with Sorry ;-)
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Re: Ground Speed to fast

Post by Soarbywire »

littlerocky wrote: Mon Jan 30, 2023 6:11 am Wow, thanks for the detailed answer. Then I am reassured and diligently fly my hours. I love my little cockpit and have struggled with the Fenix. Using panels again with the mouse was and is very unfamiliar. Thank you!

Wow, danke für die detaillierte Antwort. Dann bin ich beruhigt und fliege fleißig meine Stunden. Ich liebe mein kleines Cockpit und habe mich schwer getan mit dem Fenix. Mit der Maus wieder Panels zu nutzen war und ist sehr ungewohnt. Danke!
Real world pilots have voiced that the Fenix aircraft is not very representative of the aircraft - ... nt-4792172 ... 519914/101

The flight modelling of Jeehell FMGS on the other hand is superb (as I am told by real world Airbus pilots)
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