Selected mode after TCAS action

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Selected mode after TCAS action

Post by dkreiskott »

And another question.
When the TCAS automatically climb or descent initiated, the speed is changed from managed mode to selected mode.
When the cruising altitude is reached again, the Airbus remains in selected mode.
Is that right?

A320 cockpit Prepar3d v5.4 with full voice control for ATC and ground crew
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Re: Selected mode after TCAS action

Post by jeehell »

Yes it is
Jean Luc
Posts: 5
Joined: Thu Nov 17, 2022 8:52 am

Re: Selected mode after TCAS action

Post by hauptchr »

I flew this a few weeks ago in the FFS during my check and did not notice an auto change from managed to selected spd during auto tcas as well. So the video should be correct.

managed spd will not change automaticly to selected spd during "auto" tcas RA
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