[P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

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Capt. PERO
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[P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

Post by Capt. PERO »


since the change from 59.0.0 to 60.0.6 I have a strange phenomenon that I was able to take a closer look at this weekend.

When I pass the threshold of the runway for landing, the nose is automatically pushed down quite drastically. The plane is shown in the video with the following config:

- Weights fit
- PERF Approach is set correctly
- Stable ILS Approach (LAND PHASE)
- AP1 = on
- ATHR = on

From 100ft (it looks to me as if this happens when passing the threshold) the nose pushes down. This is well before the actual flare procudure and, in my opinion, much too strong. This also happens when I fly manually, then I have to save the airplane from the strong impact with strong stick movements.

Tested with and without ActiveSky.

Can anyone reproduce this or has a tip?
Viele Grüße / with best regards,

: : : aviation.pero-online.de
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Capt. PERO
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Re: [P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

Post by Capt. PERO »

It looks like this has to do with the trimwheel (I am using Skalarki).
I usually set "Disable Auto Trim = True" in Skalarki Profile as I don't like the noise of my 2015 TQ. If I set this to "False" (uncheck) the landings works like v59.0.0.

I found out that JH v60.0.6 has a new option "Pitch Trim Wheel Feedback" which is set to "no" on my setup. What does this stand for?
Viele Grüße / with best regards,

: : : aviation.pero-online.de
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Re: [P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

Post by Capt. PERO »

I can confirm if the Skalarki TQ is set to "Disable Auto Trim = True" you have to set FMGS Server to "Pitch Trim Wheel Feedback = yes"
Viele Grüße / with best regards,

: : : aviation.pero-online.de
Developer of SIMstarter NG P3D & Homecockpit Builder
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Re: [P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

Post by jeehell »

this option is for some hardware trim wheels which are too slow to react, but in the case of skalarki it should not be used, I havent tested that in depth with all hardware obviously.
Jean Luc
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Re: [P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

Post by Aron »

Hello, I‘ve got the same behaviour.
I do use FDS components and the trim Wheel torque is Not working yet.

When passing the threshold, I experience the nose down Input.

How can I fix this without the torque working?

Best, Aron
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Re: [P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

Post by jeehell »

If this is in manual flight then it is the normal pitch down of the flare law
Jean Luc
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Re: [P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

Post by Aron »

I really have to add Full back pressure in Order Not to Slam into the Grund from 50ft to touchdown.
In Auto Land the Auto Pilot is Not able to counteract enough, it is a Crash everytime.
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Re: [P3D v5.3][60.0.6] - Nose down when passing Threshold

Post by Aron »

I solved the problem by deselecting the trim wheel sensor. As it is not spinning by itself, it is mistrimmed in the flare law to the value it was initally set to before takeoff. This causes the behaviour.

So as usual no misbehaviour of JeeHell, but a setup problem.
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