But Guido has informed me that there is a much smarter way to add airport PERSISTANT to JeeHell NavData without need to redo this after every AIRAC update. I will sum up all information that I found in the old forum and we may continue the "old tradition" to forward develop a file that keeps missings airports to the NavData.
How it works:
- Copy the "additional.txt" to your ".\A320FMGS\navdata\navdata1\" folder on the SERVER computer
- Recreate your NavData as usual
The "addition.txt" contains several information of the new airports like "runway entries", "airport entries" and maybe "ILS entries". The format looks like this (see orignal post):
Code: Select all
PG|ARPT identifier|ICAO code|RWY|length|DTHR|width|latitude|longitude|elevation|mag bearing|LLZ ID|LLZ category|
You need one PG per runway direction.
But you also need one entry for the airport alone, this is a PA entry and looks like:
PA|ARPT identifier|ICAO code|latitude|longitude|elevation|speed limit|speed limit alt|transition alt|name|
And you may need one entry per ILS as well, the PI entries:
PI|ARPT identifier|ICAO code|LLZ ID|category|frequency|RWY|LLZ latitude|LLZ longitude|LLZ mag brg|GS latitude|GS longitude|GS angle|GS elevation|STN DEC|